You can create emails by clicking on the New button on the toolbar or select File -> New -> Mail -> choose a template to be used.
Click this button to send your email.
You can add the attachments to your email by clicking on small paperclip icon.
Clicking this icon will set your email to be urgent .
Click this icon to flag your email.
Click once to print your email.
Click to digitally sign your email with a security certificate so that the recipients can verify its authenticity. For more details refer to Security Certificates and how to configure security settings.
Click to digitally encrypt the contents of your email with a security certificate. The recipients will be able to decrypt your message with the attached security certificate if you have property configured your security profiles. For more details refer to Security Certificates and how to configure security settings.
Choose between HTML or Plain text emails. An HTML email can retain any customized formatting you apply to your email (font, colors...), a plain text email will contain only the text without colors,etc.
You can choose an email account from which you want this email to be sent from (it is set to your default E-Mail account by default).
Enter the recipient of this email here.
Enter the email addresses you wish to send a copy of this email to.
Enter the email addresses you wish to send a blind copy (the recipient of blind copies won't be able to see your email address)of this email to.
Enter a basic description of the E-Mail.
Cut - Cut a part of text to clipboard.
Copy - Copy a part of text to clipboard.
Paste - Paste the text from clipboard.
Undo - takes one edit back.
Redo - repeats the most recently undid action.
Bold - The selected text will be bold.
Underline - The selected text will be underlined.
Italic - The selected text will be written in italic.
Change font - Change the font and size of the selected text.
Remove formatting - removes all formatting from the selected text.
Change font color - Change the color of the selected text.
Increase font - make the text bigger.
Decrease font - Make the text smaller.
Justify left - justify the text to the left.
Justify center - justify the text to the center.
Justify right - justify the text to the right.
Outdent - Move selected text to the left (if this text was indent before).
Indent - Move selected text to the right.
Ordered list - create a numbered list
Unordered list - create a list of points
Insert line - add a line to your email.
Insert table - add a table to your email.
Insert image - add an image to your email.
Insert link - add a hyperlink to your email.
Find and replace - perform a text search throughout your email text and replace it with another word or phrase.
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